SMS marketing is an incredibly cost-effective way to reach out to your customers and promote your products or services
With prices starting as low as 0.005 USD per SMS, you can easily launch a successful campaign that targets up to 100,000 end users, all for as little as 500 USD.
This means that even if you are selling a product for just 10 USD and making a 50% profit, you only need 100 users to buy it in order to cover your marketing costs. Compared to other forms of advertising, such as print or television, SMS marketing provides a much lower cost per impression, making it an ideal choice for businesses looking to maximize their marketing budget.
Additionally, SMS marketing allows you to target specific groups of customers based on their :
Purchasing history
making your campaigns even more cost-effective by ensuring that your message is reaching the right people at the right time. So if you're looking for a way to promote your business without breaking the bank, SMS marketing is definitely worth considering.

Right People

Right Time

Platform works on 3 level basis
1. Admin
2. Agent
3. User
Admin completelly manage the platform, infact he can:

1) Create and manage users
2) Assign inbound numbers and keywords
3) Create connections SMPP/HTTP with providers
4) Create and manage users credit and packages
5) Add or remove country
6) Create private packages (sms discount on bundle basis)
7) Check sms scheduled by users
8) Check complete statistic, system ready to have DLR
9) Assign packages to users
10) Blacklists
11) Tinylink
12) Set agents percentage on all packages agent sells
13) Manage agents payments
14) Set panel default language, timezone, currency etc.
15) Waiting sms feature,
with this feature admin can control what’s new users send prior to let the sms gettting our from pannel, this is a great features for who is dealing with online clients and want to avoid phishing or scam sms. Admin can flag this features and be noticed on any new user sending and allow or reject the sms, once user is trusted admin can flag the user as trusted and avoid the checking of the sms.
And many many more...
Agent have his clients below him and get a variable percentage on all the packages they buy he can control all his client’s buy and get noticed when the client buy any new package, can withdraw money from panel asking the payment.
User features are:
1) Create sending list groups
2) Upload contacts from xls file
3) Create mass send
4) Create coupon service
5) Create landing pages
6) Use or disable blacklist
7) Create incoming sms service
8) Create incoming with keywords
9) Birthday bash offers
10) Create marketing campaign
11) Create OTP 2 factor autentication
12) Schedule sms campaign
13) Create recurring sms
14) Complete statistic oveview with real DLR provided by sms providers
16) Manage contacts in blacklist
17) Manage panel features with Http API
such as sending from remote without using panel
And many many more...